
川普攪局 馬克宏努力綠化G7功虧一簣

環境資訊中心外電;姜唯 翻譯;林大利 審校;稿源:ENS




川普與馬克宏面會的歷史照片。 攝(CC0)


事實上,降低溫室氣體排放是歐巴馬總統的成就。根據2017年BP世界能源統計評論,自2005年以來,美國每年的二氧化碳排放量確實下降了7.58億公噸,是全世界同一段時間內的最大降幅。 歐巴馬2009年1月就職並支持許多減碳政策,2017年美國溫室氣體排放量比2005年低13%。


2018年,美國過去多年的碳排減少趨勢中斷,二氧化碳排放量增加了3.4%。紐約獨立經濟研究公司Rhodium Group指出,這是八年來的最大漲幅。

未來地球研究計畫(Future Earth)下的子計畫及世界氣候研究計畫(World Climate Research Programme)的合作計畫「全球碳計畫」(Global Carbon),也發現2018年美國排放量呈現類似漲幅。




6月間,比亞里茨海街上抗議G7的遊行隊伍。 攝。(CC BY-NC 2.0)




法國政府的聲明特別強調會議贊助商和合作夥伴的綠色解決方案,稱「不少贊助商和合作夥伴為獲得ISO 20121認證和大型活動平等標章目標提供協助。」



Trump Disrupts France's Effort to Green the G7 Summit BIARRITZ, France, August 26, 2019 (ENS)

The seven industrialized countries that make up the Group of Seven (G7) – Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States – had an ambitious environmental agenda mapped out before their meeting August 24-26 in Biarritz.

The agenda included planning for an international strategy to tackle climate change and an emergency meeting to fight the raging wildfires currently destroying the Amazon rainforest.

But their Declaration, issued today, contained no environmental points at all.

U.S. President Donald Trump snubbed the Amazon wildfires meeting, offering the excuse that he had scheduled one-on-one meetings with the leaders of Germany and India at that time. But the leaders of those countries were at the wildfires meeting, although Trump was not.

Trump held a news conference at the close of the G7 summit in Biarritz, but he gave no details on the climate crisis. The United States will host next year's G7 meeting. Trump did make a pitch for holding the 2020 G7 summit meeting at his resort, Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida.

In a "Fact Sheet" issued by the White House on August 24, Trump says the United States energy and environmental record is "one of the strongest in the world, generating strong economic growth and energy production, while lowering emissions."

In fact, lowering greenhouse gas emissions was President Barack Obama's achievement. According to the 2017 BP Statistical Review of World Energy, since 2005 annual U.S. carbon dioxide emissions did decline by 758 million metric tons, by far the largest decline of any country in the world over that timespan. U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2017 were 13 percent below 2005 levels.

In January 2017, President Obama, who took office in January 2009 and backed many carbon-lowering regulations, was succeeded by President Trump, who immediately removed many of the Obama-era regulations and has continued to open public lands and waters to fossil fuel extraction.

In 2018, U.S. carbon dioxide emissions rose by 3.4 percent after years of decline. The spike was the biggest in eight years, according to Rhodium Group, an independent economic research firm based in New York City.

The Global Carbon Project, a research project of Future Earth and a research partner of the World Climate Research Programme, reported a similar increase in U.S. emissions for 2018.

The data shows the U.S. is unlikely to meet its pledge to reduce emissions by 2025 under the Paris climate agreement. Under Trump, the United States is set to leave the Paris pact in 2020, and his administration has reversed many existing protections for land, water and wildlife.

And that is the full text of the G7 Declaration, the shortest text in recent memory.

Thousands marched 30 kilometers (20 miles) down the coast from Biarritz to denounce leaders over poverty and environmental damage. They say the G7 imposes "a system that serves the rich and the multinational. Social rights are being destroyed and the planet's ecological disaster, poverty and war are everywhere."

Even with the daily reminders that the climate crisis is upon us, the G7 did not commit to cutting emissions. While France and the UK joined Germany in pledging support to the Green Climate Fund, other G7 leaders failed to help poorer countries who suffer the consequences and costs of climate change.

However, during the meeting, the G7 leaders announced a US$20 million Amazon protection fund, which includes reforestation, to help repair the damage from the many wildfires now burning across the Amazon rainforest.

Before the G7 Summit in Biarritz, the host country, France, went to a great deal of effort to ensure the meeting was as green and sustainable as possible.

In a statement outlining these efforts, the French Government highlighted the green solutions of its sponsors and partners, saying, "To attain our ISO 20121 certification and Equality at a Major Event label goals, several sponsors and partners have provided support:

Engie, the French multinational electric utility company, provided green energy and low environmental impact solutions, including:
– a solar field powering electric trambuses, provided by the Urban Community of the Pays Basque with the support of the Syndicat des Mobilités, for journalists and the press center;
– 200 hydrogen-powered bikes, with the support of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, for accredited journalists at the Summit provided by Biarritz' own Pragma 

Suez, a French waste management company, helped to reduce waste and to set up an extensive waste sorting system in the G7 Summit venues, and also a waste collection and recycling plan to convert waste for the benefit of the region;

Edenred, a French company specializing in prepaid corporate services, provided restaurant passes accepted by a network of 600 local restaurants as part of a "Welcome to the G7 in the Pays Basque" campaign, backed by the cities of Biarritz, Anglet and Bayonne and with the support of professional associations. This initiative helps to encourage people to try Basque cuisine and products and also to reduce food waste.

All of these initiatives have been showcased to raise the awareness of G7 delegations. France proposed G7 involvement through the signing of a "responsible delegation charter" including specific commitments. France asked G7 delegations to participate in one of the two offsetting projects – either reforestation of the Hergarai Valley in the Basque region or in Mali.

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Orignal From: 川普攪局 馬克宏努力綠化G7功虧一簣




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不滿國際規範斷財路 非洲多國擬退野生動保公約

摘錄自2019年09月01日中央通訊社非洲報導 非洲南部多國揚言退出「瀕臨絕種野生動植物國際貿易公約」,因為公約多數成員拒絕放寬象牙與犀牛角交易,並且幾乎全面禁止將野生捕獲的大象送到動物園。 這個公約嚴格規範全球野生動物交易,包括限制象牙與犀牛角交易。 本週在日內瓦召開修訂「瀕臨絕種野生動植物國際貿易公約」(CITES)的會議期間,由於區域集團非南開發共同體(SADC)的多項提案遭否決,這個集團與公約的關係惡化。 全球大象數量最多的區域波札那、納米比亞與辛巴威要求販售取自自然死亡、充公與汰除的大象象牙,這項提議被居多數的101票否決。 40多年前制訂的CITES規範約3萬6000種動植物交易,並設計有助於遏止非法交易和制裁違規國家的機制。 不過有16個成員國的非南開發共同體部分會員批評CITES對非洲國家的問題視若無睹。 坦尚尼亞環境部長西蒙巴徹恩(George Simbachawene)於日內瓦召開的會議中表示:「結果無法採取進步、公平、包容與基於科學的的保育策略。」 他說:「該是認真重新考慮我們加入CITES是否有任何實質益處的時候了。」 本站聲明:網站內容來源環境資訊中心https://e-info.org.tw/,如有侵權,請聯繫我們,我們將及時處理 【搬家相關資訊指南】 台中搬家 , 彰化搬家 , 南投搬家 前需注意的眉眉角角,別等搬了再說! 避免吃悶虧無故遭抬價! 台中搬家公司 免費估價,有契約讓您安心有保障! 評比 彰化搬家公司費用 , 南投搬家公司費用 收費行情懶人包大公開 彰化搬家費用 , 南投搬家費用 ,距離,噸數怎麼算?達人教你簡易估價知識! Orignal From: 不滿國際規範斷財路 非洲多國擬退野生動保公約

全球第一國 帛琉立法禁用、禁售防曬乳

摘錄自2018年11月2日蘋果日報帛琉報導 為了保護珊瑚礁生態,帛琉政府昨(1)日表示已立法嚴禁販售並使用防曬乳,此法將於2020年1月1日起正式生效。帛琉也成為全球首個全面禁止防曬乳的國家。 帛琉國會上周通過此法案,全面禁止使用和販售含有10種有害化學物質的防曬乳,違者將被處以1000美元(約3萬783元台幣)罰款。若遊客被發現私帶防曬乳入境,也會遭到沒收。帛琉總統雷蒙傑索(Tommy Remengesau)說:「沒收(防曬乳)已經足夠讓人不進行商業使用,而這也是很聰明的一招,一方面教育觀光客,又不會把他們嚇跑。」 根據官方說法,帛琉的熱門潛水點每小時會有4艘載著觀光客的船隻造訪,他們身上的防曬乳化學物質相當可觀。總統府發言人說:「帛琉各潛水和浮潛地點每天都有好幾加崙的防曬乳入海。我們只是盡力要防止環境遭受污染。」 本站聲明:網站內容來源環境資訊中心https://e-info.org.tw/,如有侵權,請聯繫我們,我們將及時處理 【其他文章推薦】 ※ 台中搬家 , 彰化搬家 , 南投搬家 前需注意的眉眉角角,別等搬了再說! ※在找尋 搬家 公司嗎? ※搬家不受騙不被宰 桃園搬家公司 , 桃園市搬家公司 公開報價讓你比價不吃虧! Orignal From: 全球第一國 帛琉立法禁用、禁售防曬乳